What our families are saying
Important parts of the MCC program…
“I’d highly recommend MCC to friends. I loved the relaxed atmosphere where kids are safe, comfortable, creative, and cared for. Love that academics are present but secondary to life skills”
“The warmth you feel from every staff member when you walk in is incredible. It’s unlike anything I could have imagined. I also love that there is a true focus on learning through play instead of the rigid structure I know exists in other programs”
“I love the way teachers all work together even if they don’t teach the same class”
“As a parent, communication is one of the most important parts for me. I love the daily emails and appreciate the ease of getting in contact with someone as needed via phone or email. Response time is SO quick!”
“A BIG SMILE! Seriously, you are all family and we deeply love MCC and all the experience they give to our kids and our entire family. The sense of community at MCC is a special lifelong lessons for us all. You’re helping raise good people!”
My child has…
“benefited from the structure provided by MCC, and has grown in his self confidence away from me and other trusted adults in his life”
“learned to independently solve problems, and learned how to listen and trust other adults ”
“learned how to make friends, be part of a group, follow directions, and be flexible and share”
“flourished with her creative drive, and we are starting to see her take more interests in other areas like reading and math”
“continued to grow, develop, and mature alongside the support and encouragement of MCC staff”
“learned basic skills and knowledge that I might not necessarily have had time or ability to teach”
“learned so much and has made great friends and looks forward to school everyday”
What the kiddos say…
“I love school. I’m so excited for school. I miss my friends at school”
“I can’t wait to see my friends”
“I love going to school. I love my friends. I do projects everyday”
“I have the best teachers”
“I love projects. I love my teachers. I like chapter book reading”
“MCC has a lot of good things like toys. I like all of it”
“I love school. When is weekend over?”
“Why are you here to get me early? I don’t want to go home yet”
“I love my teachers. Can I stay longer?”
“I like going to the red school. The teachers like me!”
MCC is…
“a place where the teachers seem genuinely happy to be there each day and they make every day special for the kids lucky enough to go there”
“a safe place where my child is valued and loved and is beginning to gain a true love of learning. I also think of his amazing teachers and the incredible influence they’ve had on our little boy”
“an extension of our family”
“safe, creative, and encouraging growth”
“structured, yet nurturing”
“family comes to mind. MCC is a family”
“a bright community supporting our children’s academic needs”
“a beautiful, clean space with friendly and approachable teachers”